Yeni Oyunlar

Arobynn: Sword of Adventure Yayınlandı, Ön İncelemesi Nasıl?

  • Add 12 new ai this year. More content, more variety, more fun.

  • Create a keyboard and mouse launch option so you can play without a vr setup. Better accessibility, bigger potential player base, easier to play with friends.

  • Code a GGO-like in parallel to this SAO-like. Some people like sci-fi more than fantasy and I want both.

  • Advanced dungeons. I want more branching paths and exploration at higher dungeon ranks. I also want more space for massive ai.

I know I made that all sound really easy, but it is an absolute mountain of work, and I want to do so much more! I want open worlds, character customization, metal working, chemistry, and more! If you have any recommendations or find any bugs, I’d love to hear about it in the community section and I can try to add them to my list as best as I can. Just Try to keep it positive, I’m just one guy and I still have a lot of work to do!


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